How to get submicron quartz powder by mechanical method?


To increase the added value of quartz products, it is necessary to finely process quartz, develop new processes, and produce high-quality micro-nano particle-sized quartz products. The submicron-sized quartz powder (less than 1μm) after deep processing is an inorganic fine chemical raw material of modern industrial technology. It has good hydrophilicity, reinforcement, thickening and extinction, and is widely used in glass , metallurgy, plastics, coatings, ceramics and other fields. According to statistics, the price of finely processed quartz products can be 4 to 10 times higher than that of ordinary products.

There are two main ways to obtain ultrafine or fine quartz powder: one is through chemical reaction, mainly chemical vapor deposition (CVD), chemical precipitation, sol-gel (Sol-Gel) and microemulsion method. This type of method has the advantages of high purity, fine particle size, and narrow particle size distribution, but it has low yield, high energy consumption, and complicated procedures, making it difficult to produce on a large scale, and it is impossible to directly use natural raw materials.

The other is the mechanical preparation method, mainly mechanical crushing, including various crushing equipment such as high-speed impact mills, jet mills, colloid mills, sand mills, and fine grading equipment as supporting equipment. At present, there are many crushing methods that can make the average particle size of crushed products below 1 μm, but due to the high hardness of quartz, it is difficult to achieve complete submicron particle size by conventional methods.


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